Gloria Haus und Garten Tool Battery Lithium Ion Home and Garden 18V/2.5 Ah
18 V
On this page you'll find a ranking of the best Gloria Haus und Garten products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.
Suitable for all GLORIA 18 V cordless tools of the BOSCH line (MultiBrush li-on, WeedBrush li-on and MultiJet 18V) as well as for all other BOSCH 18 V Home and Garden tools.
Gloria Haus und Garten Tool Battery Lithium Ion Home and Garden 18V/2.5 Ah
18 V
Suitable for all Gloria 18 V cordless tools in the Bosch range (MultiBrush li-on, WeedBrush li-on and MultiJet 18V) and for all other Bosch 18 V Home and Garden tools.
Of course, the charger can also be used for all other BOSCH Home and Garden batteries with 14.4 V or 18 V. The complete charging time for a 2.5 Ah BOSCH battery is 60 minutes.
Gloria Haus und Garten Tool Battery Charger Quick Charger
18 V