Best Parsa Beauty products in the Tweezers category

On this page you'll find a ranking of the best Parsa Beauty products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.

1. Parsa Beauty Parsa Profi Tweezers Solingen, cranked, silver

The hand-ground angled gripping surfaces of the tweezers enable unerring removal of the finest hairs directly at the hair root.

Parsa Beauty Parsa Profi Tweezers Solingen, cranked, silver

Parsa Beauty Parsa Profi Tweezers Solingen, cranked, silver

2. Parsa Beauty Parsa - LOV.U Tweezer Black

Parsa - LOV.U Tweezer Black.

Parsa Beauty Parsa - LOV.U Tweezer Black

Parsa Beauty Parsa - LOV.U Tweezer Black

3. Parsa Beauty Parsa tweezers slanted, black

The bevelled gripping surfaces are ideal for removing unwanted hairs over a large area as well as precisely. The structured surface prevents slipping and thus guarantees controlled handling. Disinfect regularly. Material: stainless steel. 

Parsa Beauty Parsa tweezers slanted, black

Parsa Beauty Parsa tweezers slanted, black

4. Parsa Beauty Parsa - LOV.U Tweezer Pink

Parsa - LOV.U Tweezer Pink.

Parsa Beauty Parsa - LOV.U Tweezer Pink

Parsa Beauty Parsa - LOV.U Tweezer Pink