A weekend dedicated to model making in Friedrichshafen
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A weekend dedicated to model making in Friedrichshafen

Ramon Schneider
Translation: machine translated

Digitalisation and virtuality determine our everyday lives. But Friedrichshafen is returning to its roots this coming weekend. The annual "Faszination Modellbau" trade fair offers a deep insight into the world of model making.

The traditional craft of model making continues to attract a great deal of interest. Anyone who has ever held a detailed model in their hands knows that there is a special magic to it. This magic will be brought to life again next weekend in Friedrichshafen when the doors to Faszination Modellbau open.

You can look forward to a wide range of exhibitions. From model railways that traverse idyllic landscapes to aircraft models that reflect technical precision and miniature cars that put many a dream car in the shade - every modelling fan will find what they are looking for here.

But it doesn't stop at just looking: Numerous live demonstrations offer the chance to experience the models on sale. Remote-controlled aeroplanes and helicopters glide through the air or model cars tackle a course at high speed.

A special focus this year is on education and knowledge exchange. Lectures and workshops will be held by luminaries in the field of model making, offering valuable insights for both young and old and professionals alike.

But the trade fair is also a particularly worthwhile destination for families: in the children's areas, the little ones can immerse themselves in the world of model making under professional guidance and perhaps even create their own first model.

The date for all those interested: 3 to 5 November 2023. Tickets can be purchased in advance sales or directly on site.

Cover photo: Fascination Modelling

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