Flatulence at the fitness centre

Flatulence at the fitness centre

Carbs are an essential part of our pre-workout snacks. Foods rich in carbohydrates supply our muscles with energy that’s easy to tap into. But careful with so-called FODMAP food, so your workout doesn’t, erm, backfire.

In a balanced diet, around half of the calories consumed come from carbohydrates. They provide the body with the energy it needs around the clock. This all-round fuel is contained as sugar or starch in many foods including cereals, vegetables and fruit.

Certain types of carbohydrates are more suitable than others as pre-exercise snacks as they’re easier on the stomach. So-called FODMAPs pose no problems for most people. For others, including myself, they can quite literally backfire when consumed just before a workout.

What are FODMAPs?

FODMAP is an acronym for:

Fermentable Oligosaccharide Disaccharide Monosaccharide And Polyols

These carbohydrates ferment during the digestive process and lead to the production of gas. They also tend to draw extra water into the intestine. For some people, this is no big deal. In fact, many people eat FODMAPs without noticing any side effects.

For individuals with sensitive digestive systems, however, eating these types of carbs can cause digestive disorders, diarrhoea or constipation.

The problem? FODMAPs are contained in many healthy foods, such as certain fruits and vegetables, and can be beneficial for the gut microbiome. But if you have a sensitive belly, the negative effects of these carbohydrates outweigh the positives.
The symptoms may include gas or a belly ache. Sound familiar? Maybe it’s time to rethink your pre-workout snack.

Mustn’t let one rip!
Mustn’t let one rip!

These foods contain FODMAPs

Many popular pre-exercise snacks contain FODMAPs:

Fructans and oligosaccharides: dried fruit, chicory root and inulin (often contained in protein bars and powders), watermelon, cashew nuts, barley, rye and wheat
Disaccharides: cow's milk, yoghurt and cottage cheese
Monosaccharides: apples, mangoes, figs, pears, honey and agave
Polyols: apples, apricots, blackberries, peaches and products containing sugar alcohol such as protein bars, protein powder and «sugar-free» snacks

Pre-workout snacks without FODMAPs

If you regularly struggle with digestive problems during workouts, you should try a different snack before exercising. The following work for me:

  • a banana with peanut butter
  • an orange and a handful of macadamia nuts
  • dairy-free coconut yoghurt muesli (without honey or agave)
  • oat flakes with pumpkin and pecan nuts

Since changing my eating habits before exercising, I’m much more relaxed about workout sessions at the gym. Maybe these tips will help you too. Otherwise, consult your doctor or dietitian.

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From radio journalist to product tester and storyteller, jogger to gravel bike novice and fitness enthusiast with barbells and dumbbells. I'm excited to see where the journey'll take me next.

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