US university turns earrings into health trackers
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US university turns earrings into health trackers

Lorenz Keller
Translation: machine translated

Exciting project at the University of Washington: researchers have used miniature technology to transform earrings into a wearable that measures health data more precisely than a smartwatch.

It is still just a scientific research project at the University of Washington, but these smart earrings could soon go into mass production. Perhaps as an alternative to the sensor-equipped finger ring, which could see a big boost this year with Samsung's product announcement.

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How the earring works technically: it consists of two temperature sensors, a battery and a Bluetooth module to transmit the data to the smartphone. The entire construction weighs less than half a gram and can be integrated into a conventional earring. Precious metals or stones do not interfere with the functionality.

Although the prototype called "Thermal Earring" only measures temperature, it does so much more accurately than a smartwatch on the wrist. Thanks to the second sensor, the ear temperature can also be related to the outside temperature.

The hardware of the earring with sensors and Bluetooth antenna
The hardware of the earring with sensors and Bluetooth antenna
Source: Raymond Smith/University of Washington

The earring also measures stress and recognises ovulation

The scientists have identified various areas of application: rising temperatures can reveal a coming fever and monitor the course of illnesses. They have also identified correlations between fluctuations in ear temperature and daily activities - such as eating or exercising.

New is the realisation that stress can also be detected based on the measurements. The earring should also be able to recognise ovulation. According to the researchers, further sensors for monitoring activities and heart rate
can be installed in the future. can be installed. The big advantage of the earrings is that they are always in the same place and can therefore measure precisely over longer periods of time.

Further tests and studies are needed, however. The battery problem also still needs to be solved. The button battery currently lasts 28 days and then has to be replaced. This is despite the fact that the earring does not transmit data continuously, but only at intervals. The scientists are planning to rely on solar cells or kinetic energy for the power supply in future.

What would you prefer to track yourself with: smartwatch, finger ring, earring or smart clothing? Or no tracking at all? Let me know in the comments.

Header image: Raymond Smith/University of Washington

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