Best Aragon products in the Non-fiction category
On this page you'll find a ranking of the best Aragon products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.
1. New York Graffiti 1970-1995
Markus Wiese lives and works in Dortmund. Since 1986 working as a sprayer under the pseudonym Mason. At first his spray radius was limited to the Dortmund area alone. First solo exhibition in 1990. 1991 he visits New York, 1992 further exhibitions and picture author for various graffiti magazines. Further visits to New York. Since 1993 Markus Wiese also makes his living with commissioned works.
2. German - Malagasy Dictionary
3. Swiss Graffiti
Swiss Graffiti: Graffiti from Switzerland.
4. Zanzibar
Zanzibar: For a short time, the small island in the Indian Ocean was German territory of influence, but never a colony. Nevertheless, we still get shiny eyes when the name Zanzibar is mentioned. There is something magical about the name. But what was it actually like when the first Germans arrived here more than a century ago? Thirty authors report on Zanzibar: explorers, merchants, doctors, nurses and pharmacists, diplomats and artists. This creates an impressive picture of the city and the island in their heyday. Erich Meffert has lived here for many years and is an expert on the country and its people. With wisdom and perhaps with more than a twinkle in his eye, he has compiled these long-lost documents from the German era, which provide a view of the present and the past in equal measure better than any other source.
5. Ventriloquism, learning by playing
Ventriloquism, learning by playing
German, Rudolf P. Urbanski, Elke Bockamp, 2021