Best Suhrkamp products in the Reference books category

On this page you'll find a ranking of the best Suhrkamp products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've already ranked the most important information about the products for you.

1. Proofs of God

Evidence of God is one of the great themes of Western philosophy. In the 20th century they have been reformulated with the help of modern logic and also in analytical philosophy God's proofs have been controversially discussed for decades. Clearly the question of the existence of God in the post-metaphysical age is more relevant than ever.
The volume brings together the great proofs of God in the Middle Ages and modern times as well as the classical objections of Hume and Kant. The language-analytical debate is documented in detail and a separate section is dedicated to Kurt Gödel, whose ontological evidence has not yet been conclusively refuted. Introductory essays introduce the problem of the proofs of God and offer easily understandable reconstructions of the respective attempts at evidence.

2. Spheres. Microsphererology

In his three-volume work Spheres, Peter Sloterdijk undertakes nothing less than an attempt to tell the story of humanity. In doing so, he starts from the simple question: Where do people live after they know that they are at home on a sphere, a globe? In order to approach an answer to this question, Peter Sloterdijk develops the concept of spheres and spans a fascinating arc, rich in perspective, from the earliest cultures to our global age.This first book of this sphere trilogy is about micro-spherical quantities called bubbles. They form the basic molecules of the strong relationship. Peter Sloterdijk's analysis sets out on the never-before undertaken task of recounting the epic of dichotomies always already lost, yet never erased without trace. "We traverse, with the insight of our inevitable conceptual helplessness as our only sure companion, landscapes of pre-objective Dasein and antecedent relations. As we travel through the evasive underworld of the inner world, the phantom image of a fluid and auratic universe unfolds, like a sounding map - spun entirely of resonances and suspended matter; in it remains to be sought the prehistory of the psychic." 

Spheres. Microsphererology (German, 1998)
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Spheres. Microsphererology

German, 1998

3. Complete Works 5. Parerga and Paralipomena. Small philosophical writings 2

On philosophy and its method. On logic and dialectics. Thoughts concerning the intellect in general and in every respect. Some reflections on the opposition of the thing-in-itself and the appearance. Some words about pantheism. On the philosophy and science of nature. On the theory of colors. On ethics. On jurisprudence and politics. On the doctrine of the indestructibility of our true being through death. Addenda to the Doctrine of the Nullity of Existence. Addenda to the doctrine of the suffering of the world. On suicide. Addenda to the doctrine of the affirmation and negation of the will to life. On Religion. Some Sanskrit literature. Some archaeological considerations. Some mythological considerations. On the metaphysics of beauty and aesthetics. On judgment, criticism, acclaim and fame. On scholarship and the learned. Self-thinking. On writing and style. On reading and books. About language and words. Psychological Remarks. About women. On Education. On physiognomy. On noise and sound. Parables, parables and fables. Some verses. Contributions by Wolfgang Frhr. von Löhneysen. 

Complete Works 5. Parerga and Paralipomena. Small philosophical writings 2 (German, 1986)
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Complete Works 5. Parerga and Paralipomena. Small philosophical writings 2

German, 1986

4. The discourse of philosophy

What is philosophy? And what role does it play in contemporary society? Between July and October 1966, a few months after the publication of
The Order of Things
Michel Foucault gave his answer to these questions, which are still much discussed today, in a carefully composed manuscript.

In contrast to those who either want to reveal the essence of philosophy or declare it dead, Foucault understands it as a discourse whose economy must be worked out in comparison with other discourses - scientific, literary, everyday, religious.
The discourse of philosophy
thus proposes a new way of writing the history of philosophy, one that moves away from simply commenting on the great thinkers.

Nietzsche occupies a special place, however, as he introduces a new epoch in which philosophy becomes a diagnosis of the present: From now on, it is its task to explain to a society what constitutes its age.
Nowhere has Michel Foucault made the ambitions of his intellectual programme as clear as in this work, which is now being published for the first time almost 60 years after it was written. A minor sensation!

The discourse of philosophy (German, 2024)
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The discourse of philosophy

German, 2024

5. Transzendentale Argumente

What does it mean to argue transcendentally? The understanding of this - according to Niquet - decides alone about the deep structures of transcendental thinking: transcendental discourses do not only provide the instruments of a methodically regulated structure of transcendental philosophy, they contain for themselves already its basic concept and principles . On the way to his discourse theory of the transcendental sense, which the author will unfold in his next treatise, the present investigation offers the reconstruction, undertaken with systematic intention, of Kant's paradigm of transcendental proofs and of Stawson's (explicitly transformational) project of an analytic theory of intelligible experience in general, revolving around a categorial a priori , which leads to the insight into the inevitability of the detranscendentalization of the foundations of the traditionsb. 

Transzendentale Argumente (German, 1991)
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Transzendentale Argumente

German, 1991

6. Hegel

Charles Taylor's great Hegel monograph offers not only a comprehensive presentation of the entire Hegelian system in the light of the social-philosophical discussion, but also a generally understandable introduction to Hegelian philosophy for readers who are not very familiar with Hegelian thought. 

7. Collected writings in twenty volumes

"The music-philosophical and music-critical work of Adorno becomes accessible through the publication of volume 18 of his Collected Writings. According to their date of origin, they range from Adorno's youth - the earliest ones date back to 1922, when he was 19 years old - to just before his death in 1969. The works are as varied as their literary form: Aphorisms stand next to critiques and reviews; radio lectures next to analyses of individual compositions; encyclopaedia articles next to treatises of a monographic character - as emphatically they document at the same time the unity of the philosophical consciousness from which Adorno's thinking about music emerged almost from the beginning. Central to Adorno's philosophy of music is the effort to develop a theory of new music". 

Collected writings in twenty volumes (German, 1984)
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Collected writings in twenty volumes

German, 1984

8. Even in the mirror

The social construction of subjectivity.

Even in the mirror (German, 2016)
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Even in the mirror

German, 2016

9. Pragmatism as anti-authoritarianism

After Richard Rorty subjected Western modern philosophy to a fundamental critique at the end of the 1970s, he immediately placed himself at the head of an intellectual movement that has also become enormously influential outside philosophy under the label "neopragmatism". Over the decades, Rorty has constantly expanded and refined his version of pragmatism, including in legendary lectures at the University of Girona. They form the core of this book, which offers nothing less than the final version of Rorty's late philosophy.

At its centre is the concept of anti-authoritarianism, which Rorty identifies as the main impulse of his thought. There is no authority that dictates what is true and right. There is only us and our opinions, ideas and traditions. Good ideas can be recognised by the fact that they contribute to the good of all. And in order to determine what that good is, you have to look at what others think and want, and be willing to revise your own views. Anti-authoritarianism, as Rorty understands it, starts with each individual. Its currency is trust, its medium is conversation, its goal is emancipation. This is the political message of pragmatism as anti-authoritarianism.

Pragmatism as anti-authoritarianism (German, 2023)
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Pragmatism as anti-authoritarianism

German, 2023

10. Theory of the Unconceptuality

Hans Blumenberg's book Schiffbruch mit Zuschauer ends with a text that bears the somewhat enigmatic title "Ausblick auf eine Theorie der Unbegrifflichkeit" (Outlook on a theory of incomprehensibility). During his lifetime, this outlook on a theory remained a theory that seemed to contradict the basic conditions of the theory - namely to be conceptually conceived - and thus posed many riddles. Among the wonderful discoveries to be made in the estate of Hans Blumenberg is not only a portfolio of small drafts, but also a longer manuscript that takes the "outlook" to a full-fledged "theory of incomprehensibility", which is also a text of programmatic character for Blumenberg's philosophical project as a whole: a philosophical programmatic writing. The Theory of Unconceptuality can be seen as a counterpart, as a further development and as a counter-draft of the famous paradigms to a metaphorol. 

Theory of the Unconceptuality (German, 2010)
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Theory of the Unconceptuality

German, 2010