Best selling Metal detectors

Here's a ranking of the best products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've also added some key information about the products.

1. Powerneed PP3

Immagina di essere sulla spiaggia, il sole ti accarezza dolcemente la pelle e tu, con un metal detector in mano, parti per un'emozionante spedizione. Beep Beep! Segnala che qualcosa di metallico è a portata di mano. Potrebbe essere una chiave dimenticata, una moneta perduta o qualcosa di assolutamente straordinario: non si sa mai cosa cadrà dalla sabbia! It's not just a gadget for professionals: everyone can easily learn the art of research. Questa è una grande opportunità per trascorrere del tempo all'aria aperta, godendosi l'esplorazione e quella sensazione esilarante quando il rilevatore emette quel suono magico. Quindi lasciati coinvolgere in questo vortice di divertimento e vai in spiaggia alla ricerca dei tesori perduti: chissà, forse c'è un tesoro nascosto che ti aspetta proprio adesso!

I moderni metal detector sono dispositivi precisi dotati di meccanismi di rilevamento avanzati che consentono l'identificazione di oggetti metallici sotto uno strato di sabbia o terreno. Il loro funzionamento intuitivo consente a tutti, indipendentemente dal livello di esperienza, di partecipare ad affascinanti esplorazioni. Nel moment in cui il rilevatore segnala la presenza del metallo, l'esperienza diventa eccezionalmente emozionante e l'ulteriore scoperta della natura del ritrovamento garantisce un'esperienza indimenticabile.

Le caratteristiche più importanti del prodotto:
- Pinpointer completamente impermeable, IP68, fino a 3 m
- Dimensioni ridotte e alta sensibilità
- Operating frequency: 10.5-13.5 kHz
- Indicatori: sono/vibrazione
- Area di rilevamento laterale a 360°
- Profondità fino a 5 cm
- Alimentazione: 1x 9V (not inclusa).

Powerneed PP3
Metal detectors
only 1 piece on sale
EUR21,42 was EUR53,23

Powerneed PP3

2. Steinberg Metalldetektor

SBS-MD-5 you can find objects such as coins or jewellery. The detector is also well suited for finding the course of electrical cables in walls and floors. The precise search coil can detect objects at a depth of up to 120 cm and the waterproof design allows the device to be used in the rain and in shallow water. A user-friendly panel with LCD control screen allows you to set different operating modes. The detector can be set to search for all metals (ALL METAL) or specific types (DISC). The MOVE function is useful for dynamic area searches and in PINPOINT mode you can specify the exact location of the object. The device is equipped with a sound signal and a tilt indicator that informs about the distance of the metal element from the detector. Thanks to its low weight, the detector is comfortable to work with. The adjustable boom length (1050 - 1210 mm) and the ability to adjust the angle of the probe make the device very comfortable to use. The device is powered by 2 9 V batteries, which has an impact on the energy efficiency of the detector. 

3. Velleman Metal Detector - Advanced - 20 cm Depth Sensitivity


Velleman Metal Detector - Advanced - 20 cm Depth Sensitivity
Metal detectors

Velleman Metal Detector - Advanced - 20 cm Depth Sensitivity

4. Powerneed MD20

Imagine you're on the beach, the sun is gently caressing your skin and you're on an exciting expedition with a metal detector in your hand. Beep beep! It signals that something metallic is within reach. It could be a forgotten key, a lost coin or something quite amazing - you never know what will fall out of the sand! It's not just a gadget for professionals - anyone can easily learn the art of searching. This is a great opportunity to spend time outdoors, enjoy exploring and feel the exhilarating feeling when your detector makes that magical sound. So get involved in this whirlwind of fun and head to the beach in search of lost treasures - who knows, there might just be a hidden treasure waiting for you!

Modern metal detectors are precise devices equipped with advanced detection mechanisms that enable the identification of metal objects under a layer of sand or soil. Their intuitive operation allows anyone - regardless of experience level - to take part in fascinating explorations. Once the detector signals the presence of metal, the experience becomes exceptionally exciting and the further discovery of the nature of the find makes for an unforgettable experience.

Key features of the product:
- LCD display with backlight
- All metal or automatic search modes
- Pinpointer mode
- Depth adjustable up to 18 cm
- Waterproof 20 cm coil
- Power supply: 2x 9V (not included).

5. Steinberg Professional Metal Detector - 2 m / 25 cm - Ø 18.8

Steinberg Professional Metal Detector - 2 m / 25 cm - Ø 18.8
Metal detectors

Steinberg Professional Metal Detector - 2 m / 25 cm - Ø 18.8

6. Steinberg Metal Detector Headphones - 3.5 mm jack plug

Metal Detector Headphones - 3.5 mm jack plugThe metal detector headphones are an excellent acoustic aid that reliably reproduce every signal tone, so that you do not miss a find. With their high level of wearing comfort, the headphones for metal detectors are a long-lasting companion that support your search in a pleasant way, even during long searches.With a 40 mm mm driver and a frequency range of 20 - 20,000 Hz, the headphones for metal detectors have all the technical requirements to reproduce the signals from the metal detector perfectly and cleanly. Even very quiet sounds are clearly audible. Suppression of the ambient noise and independent volume control of the received signals ensure this.The over-ear headphones have comfortably padded ear cups, which are covered with synthetic leather and are therefore extremely comfortable to wear. The earpads also have excellent insulating properties that protect the ears from ambient noise. The headband can be individually adapted to the shape of the head for more comfort. The metal detector headphones are connected to the metal detector with a 188 cm-long cable and a 3.5 mm jack plug. As a result, the connection offers maximum freedom of movement, which optimally reduces your workload when searching for valuable metal parts. The metal detector headphones combine the best sound quality with optimal wearing comfort, which you can easily adapt to your requirements.Technical DetailsModel SBS-HP-100Measuring resistance range 27.8 / 28.5 ΩPower 0.03 WMaterial Plastic (PP, ABS), PU leather, spongeDriver 40 mmSound power 115 ± 3 dBSize 190 x 175 x 80 mmWorking voltage 3.0 VFrequency 20 - 20,000 HzDelivery ContentsMetal Detector Headphones SBS-HP-100Instruction manual. 

Steinberg Metal Detector Headphones - 3.5 mm jack plug
Metal detectors
EUR15,99 was EUR16,99

Steinberg Metal Detector Headphones - 3.5 mm jack plug

7. Sunen MD25 metal detector

8. Steinberg Metal Detector - locating depth 24 cm - Ø 25 cm

Metal Detector - locating depth 24 cm - Ø 25 cmWhether you're looking for a lost wedding ring in the garden, a hoard of gold in the forest, munitions on old battlefields or cables in the wall – the metal detector SBS-MD-20 from Steinberg Systems' industrial equipment collection will unerringly locate everything you seek. The metal detector has an intuitive control panel and an LCD display, even locates small objects such as coins, rings or nails if they are not buried deeper than 24 cm in the ground. There are five different modes for the search: All Metal detects all types of metal, has automatic ground compensation and is highly sensitive. If you choose Disc mode, the display of certain types of metal is switched off for more precise differentiation. With the Memory setting, you can save settings, Jewellery recognizes jewellery and the Pinpoint setting points to the place where the item you are looking for is located.A signal alerts you to the find. To block out ambient noises and to avoid disturbing others with the sounds of the gold detector or letting others know about your potentially valuable find, the metal detector has a headphone jack. You can connect any headphones with a 3.5 mm jack. The volume can be adjusted via a dial. Cutting-edge technology makes the power consumption of this waterproof metal detector very low. The metal probe is operated by two 9 V batteries and can be used anywhere because of its low weight.Technical DetailsModel SBS-MD-20Display LCDTotal length 106 - 122 cmBattery type 2 x 9V alkaline Search range 24 cmFrequency 6,010 HzHeadphone jack 3.5 mmProbe diameter 25 cmDelivery ContentsMetal detector SBS-MD-20Instruction manual. 

Steinberg Metal Detector - locating depth 24 cm - Ø 25 cm
Metal detectors

Steinberg Metal Detector - locating depth 24 cm - Ø 25 cm

9. Delkim indicator slimlite

Fits all Plus Series detectors
Molded in a lightweight high-visibility opaque dispersant material
Flashing, locking, and night marking
No Betalights required
batteries required
Connects to the NiteLite plug on the Delkim Plus Bite detector
Dual position magnetic line clip
Self-adjusting and twist-free
Stays on the line until strike
Smooth release of the plug
No ripping or tightening
Ideal for slack line fishing
CatFlex2 cable assembly
Hangs and flexes like a chain
Used as a free-hanger or attached to SlimCarb.

10. Metal Detector Orange (MD1012)

Metal Detector - Orange (MD1012) /Outdoor Toys /Multi.

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