Behind the scenes

Our PR highlights and lowlights of 2023

Stephan Kurmann
Translation: Katherine Martin

In this slightly unorthodox 2023 wrap-up, we’re putting the spotlight on the Digitec Galaxus Community. Read on to find out which articles our readers loved – and which ones caused the most controversy.

In 2023, Digitec Galaxus’s 8-strong communications team in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France and Italy wrote and published almost 100 stories about the world of e-commerce. These included data stories, news of improvements to our online shops and interviews with our employees.

When we talk about our Community, we’re referring to our customers. They’re super proactive – reviewing products as well as buying them. And they don’t just read our content, they like and comment on it too.
Here’s what piqued our Community’s interest this year, as well as what failed to grab their attention.

The most views

Honesty, same-day delivery and sex toys generated the most views this year.

  • Company news

    Refreshingly honest – Digitec Galaxus now displays warranty score and return rate

    by Alex Hämmerli

Our CO₂ reduction targets, on the other hand, didn’t drum up much attention from the Community. Articles on the subject garnered the fewest views – and the fewest likes.

  • Company news

    Climate footprint 2022: Digitec Galaxus on track to meet reduction targets

    by Tobias Billeter

The highest exit rate

Data protection and job sharing seem to have something in common – neither topic makes you want to shop online or browse for interesting content on Digitec or Galaxus.

Eighty per cent of people who visited our article on data protection left the website immediately afterwards. Meanwhile, 73 per cent of people who read our job sharing article subsequently broke off their visit.

Data protection and career interviews may well inspire some readers – but it certainly doesn’t inspire them to shop online.

  • Behind the scenes

    «Motherhood doesn’t make you dumb, unambitious or incompetent»

    by Norina Brun

The most likes

Our uncompromising honesty about warranty and return rates got the highest number of likes from the Community this year. The launch of our website’s dark mode received the second most likes. Taking third place was the news that the order deadline for next-day delivery was being moved from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m..

  • Company news

    Digitec and Galaxus now available in dark mode

    by Catherine Barth

The longest visit

There was one article our Community read especially carefully – or, in other words, spent the most time reading. Four minutes and 18 seconds, to be precise. On average, our readers spend about half as long reading comparable background articles.

We’re glad our customers are so clued up on flash delivery.

The most controversial issues

Women’s football, Galaxus Mobile, energy and security issues polarised the Community the most in 2023.

I’ve used the likes-to-comments ratio as a reference point in judging this – when an article receives more comments than likes, it’s a hallmark of a controversial topic.

The frontrunner in this category was our piece on panini stickers during the Women’s World Cup, which generated 3.3 times more comments than likes.

Hot on its heels are our articles on air conditioners, video games for women, energy saving and roaming.

Top articles by language

French-speaking visitors to Galaxus and Digitec were most interested in the launch of Galaxus in France, with our article announcing the move receiving the highest number of views.

Meanwhile, the news of our same-day delivery rollout was most popular with our English-speaking readers.
Italian-speaking readers, on the other hand, were most drawn to «Dolls, plugs and penis cages – the sex toy ranking-climbers of 2022».

  • Behind the scenes

    Dolls, plugs and penis cages – the sex toy ranking-climbers of 2022

    by Stephan Kurmann

A big thank you to our Language Services Team for translating all this content into French, Italian and English!

The most popular articles in Germany, Austria, France and Italy

Our communities outside Switzerland are growing by the day. Like their neighbours in Switzerland, our readers in Germany and Austria also liked our article on warranty scores and return rates best.

In France and Italy, articles announcing our launch in both countries drummed up the most interest.

Which topics were you most interested in? What would you like to read more or less about next year? Thanks for letting us know in the comments!

30 people like this article

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